Why Customer Satisfaction is King

This is the age of the customer. They hold the cards. Their influence has grown through the explosion of social media and online customer review platforms. Their word carries a lot more weight with fellow customers than any advertisement or promotion ever could. These consumers are ready to either endorse you or warn people of your product. And winning their approval has never been more difficult; yet it is absolutely necessary given how much influence they have on the marketplace.

What does it take to attract your customer base and keep them on your side? According to Forbes, for businesses to succeed, they need to start thinking more like a customer. This strategy makes you stop and think about how you want to be treated and what you need to feel satisfied.

For instance, if you’re a NetFlix user, you know that automated movie suggestions can be tailored based on your ratings, past browsing history, and how your queue is set up. Customization plays a big role in amping up the desire to keep coming back to Netflix. Netflix—like Amazon and other online service providers—understood that bringing suggested movies to consumers could speed up and enhance the browsing experience.

On the B2B side, the same ideology applies. To build loyalty with your customers, it takes an ultimate investment in the way of time, dedication, and continuous service improvement. Your customers will appreciate your willingness to understand and meet their needs. When you get it right the first time, they expect it to be that way every time. The margin for error is pretty slim. The companies that cut corners with their customer dedication are the ones that have continuous client turnover.

By keeping their clients front and center, and taking the time to get to know their unique business needs, mini-MAX has flourished in the customer loyalty department. We have client relationships that go back 25 years and longer.

Don’t take our word for it. See what our customers have had to say:

According to Mineral Labs, “mini-MAX has been a great help Mineral Labs for more than ten years. Throughout this timeframe, Mineral Labs has purchased two systems and several printers for one corporate headquarters in Kentucky.”

According to Stry-Lenkoff, “mini-MAX has been servicing both our PC and Mainframe needs for many years. Since they can service both types of platforms, they are a vital part of our business.”


To learn more about our ability to deliver the best customer satisfaction possible, contact the mini-MAX team today.